March 27, 2009: You may have noticed. WRTA has been a little quiet the past couple of months. But not anymore. Why? We’ve been very busy behind-the-scenes preparing for our most remarkable year yet!
Beginning next week and throughout the month of April and beyond – we’ll be making a number of exciting announcements and launching new initiatives. Who will be the beneficiaries of these significant and ongoing endeavors? You of course!
So buckle your seatbelt and get ready for one very exciting ride over the coming weeks with WRTA. What do you have to look forward to? Here is just a brief insider’s glimpse:
WRTA announces its new management service relationship with the National Tour Association and IMG Associations
WRTA debuts its brand new logo
WRTA debuts its Membership Renewal Promotion
WRTA debuts its brand new website
WRTA debuts its four new official newsletters including….
The Religious Travel Buzz: Our flagship publication featuring WRTA and faith tourism industry news.
Spotlight on Members: Features engaging profiles, stories, and highlights of our members.
Expo 2009: Features up-to-date information and announcements regarding the 2nd Annual World Religious Travel Expo.
On The Cutting Edge: Members’ only publication featuring market trends, sales and marketing intelligence, latest products and services, and other cutting edge religious travel and hospitality insight you can get anywhere else.
WRTA debuts its new 2009 WRTA and Expo brochures
WRTA debuts its new social network groups including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more
WRTA debuts the world’s first-ever Religious Travel Buyer’s Guide (60 pages!)
WRTA debuts its inaugural Expo Sponsorship, Exhibitor, and Advertising Guide
WRTA debuts its own set of webinars
WRTA debuts exhibit booth and attendee registrations for World Religious Travel Expo 2009
And WRTA will be debuting much, much more. Stay tuned!.......